Thursday, November 26, 2009

Can you hear me?

Dear Wervil, 

I was a sitting in my livingroom today, and a mouse came crawling from under the sofa, silver as can be, and chattering about quite viciously... or excitedly perhaps, I don't quite know mouse language.  

Funny thing was, he had this little contraption in his mouth.  I can't put my finger on what it was.  The gears were turning, golden and copper, all suspended inside of an orb about the size of a small glass marble.  Was the mouse born with that in his mouth, or did he just happen to find it somewhere in the labrynth of holes in the walls of my old creaky house..?

Wervil, Wervil.... I wish you could come back.  I miss you, I miss the magnetic cracklings and other things that are too secret to put into writing.  I hope you receive my message, and I will try to send it through the purple waves of the universe also==wherever you are. 

Your silver friend